If you missed my online group 21-Day Ayurvedic Seasonal Eating and Lifestyle Program for Pitta Season during July, you can get a taste of the recipes and lifestyle tips. Just click on the photo opposite to get your free 3-day menu plan and recipes. These recipes and tips are designed to decrease inflammation and reduce internal heat of body and mind that can make you feel irritable and fatigued during Pitta season. Did you know that even though the weather is starting to get cooler, Pitta season continues until the end of October, and our internal heat continues to build and aggravate us? So we want to continue eating a Pitta Season diet until November when Vata Season starts. |

Facebook page: Sandra Briand, RHN KYT
Instagram: SandraBriand95
Stay tuned for my online group 21-Day Seasonal Eating and Lifestyle Program for Vata Season, starting November 4th! If you're on my mailing list, you'll get advance notice!